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Government Of Assam Cooperation Registrar of Cooperative Societies Assam

General Assembly

    1. General Assembly of a cooperative society shall consist of all the members of such cooperative society who are eligible to vote at the general meeting of the society.
    2. Every member of a registered society and every ex-officio member of the Administrative Council or managing body of such society, unless under some disqualification, shall have the right to attend any general meeting of the society and to exercise his vote at such meeting:
      Provided that the bye-laws of a registered society may prescribe:
    • 1. That a registered society affiliated to such society may have more than one representative entitled to vote at general meetings of the society; and
    • 2. That only one third of the members of the General Assembly, excluding ex-officio members, may be individual members and the other two thirds being representatives of affiliated registered societies;that only one third of the members of the General Assembly, excluding ex-officio members, may be individual members and the other two thirds being representatives of affiliated registered societies;
    • 3. If the number of individual members exceeds one third of the total membership of the society the individual members shall elect at a special meeting to be called by the Secretary of the society not more than thirty days before the Annual General Meeting in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws to represent in the Annual General Meeting, those individual members who, as the representative of the body of individual members shall form the one third membership of the General Assembly for the purpose of voting at the Annual and other meetings of the General Assembly during the ensuing year. Only such elected representatives shall have the right to attend and vote at such general meeting.
    1. 4. If the general body of a cooperative society decides that the size, area or types of its membership requires a representative body of delegates for more effective decision making, its bye-laws shall provide for a smaller body, called "delegate body" elected from the members, in the annual general meeting in accordance with the bye-laws, to exercise such powers and to discharge such duties of the general body as may be specified in the bye-laws.

    Matters to be dealt with in the Annual General Meeting:

    1. The following matters in addition to others as are considered necessary by the Board shall be dealt with by the Annual General Meeting namely:
    • Election of delegates and representatives, if fallen due;
    • Consideration of the long term plan and budget, when required;
    • Consideration of the annual operational plan and budget for the current financial year;
    • Consideration of the annual report of activities for the previous financial year including provisional financial statements of accounts if not audited;
    • Consideration of the audited financial statements of accounts, and the auditor's report relating to the previous financial year or years;
    • Consideration of the report on deviations, if any from the approved budget relating to the previous financial year;
    • Disposal of surplus, if any, of previous financial year;
    • Management deficit, if any, of previous financial year;
    • Creation of specific reserves and other funds;
    • Review of actual utilization of reserves and other funds;
    • Review of the report on the attendance at meeting by Directors;
    • Review of the use of the cooperative societies' services by the directors;
    • Appointment of internal auditor, fixation of remuneration paid to any Director or member of any committee or internal auditor in connection with his duties in that capacity or his attendance at concerned meetings;
    • Review of quantum and percentage of service provided to non members vis-a-vis services provided to the members;
    • Report of activities and accounts related to education of member and Director "and staff training;
    • Consideration of any other matter which may be brought before the meeting of the general body in accordance with the bye-laws;
    • Expulsion of members;
    • Disposal of appeals;
    • Formulation of code of conduct the members of Board of Directors and officers appointed by the Board.
    1. The following matters among such other matters as considered necessary by the Board or which are specifically assigned to the general body under any other provision of the Act may be dealt with by the general body at its annual or any general meeting, namely:
      • Amendments of bye-laws;
      • Removal of Directors and election of new Director;
      • Membership of the cooperative society in secondary cooperative society;
      • Partnership with other cooperative societies;
      • Amalgamation, division, merger, transfer of assets and liabilities;
      • Dissolution of the cooperative society;
      • Consideration of the Registrar's report of inquiry and action taken thereon or reasons for the non completion of the inquiry.
    2. All Directors shall cease to be Directors on the date of the Annual General Meeting, if the annual financial statement of accounts and annual report of activities for the previous financial year were willfully not prepared before 15 days of the Annual General Meeting for inspection of the members or for placing before the Annual General Meeting.

